Rohit Singh Rathaur


Lead ML Engineer




Rohit Singh Rathaur, a distinguished Integrated MSc student at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, is currently a Lead Machine Learning Engineer at a subsidiary of ePioneers, focusing on developing climate models for CO2 prediction and land degradation. He has showcased his proficiency in Python, C/C++, SQL, R, Java, Unix Shell Scripting, Julia, JavaScript, Go, Rust, and various data science and web technologies. Rohit’s experience includes roles as a Data Scientist at ePioneers and Product Development Intern at Pumas AI. He has also interned at the University of Bristol and MIT’s CSAIL, working on machine learning for PDEs and ODEs and algorithmic fairness, respectively. Notably, he contributed to SciML under The Julia Language and served as the Joint President at the Society for Data Science at BIT Mesra. Recognized as a National Winner at EXL Excellence Quotient 2022 and an NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Grant recipient, Rohit consistently demonstrates excellence. Currently, he’s an Academic Exchange researcher at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, working on acceleration physics-based optimization problems with deep learning.

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