Speak at Predictive Analytics World for Climate 2023

Many thanks to everyone who applied to speak at the 2023 conference. Applications have now closed.

Call for Speakers: Predictive Analytics World Climate Conference


Dr. Erika McBride, CPA, Ed.D. , Director at Diamond Systems Analytics“My participation as a PAW speaker has benefitted both me professionally, as well as my organization! I have found the topic discussions to be a valuable way to keep pulse with this rapidly-changing analytics industry, and the contacts and network have been helpful to share best practices and experiences well-beyond the conference.”
Dr. Erika McBride, CPA, Ed.D. , Director at Diamond Systems Analytics



Great! You found your way to the speaker application for PAW Climate.

Before you submit your application, please read the following information carefully:

  1. What are the conferences about? The conferences focus on the practical application of predictive & prescriptive analytics, machine & deep learning, data & text mining and related topics in mitigating climate change and cover analytical and technical as well as economical and organizational questions on a strategic and operational level.
  2. What is special about this conference series: we are vendor neutral and offer a high-quality event with presentations by experts for experts that provide actionable value. We also encourage intensive discussions and Q&A sessions during the event.
  3. Who is the main target audience of the conferences? Most participants are data scientists, head of data science, chief data officer or are working in similar roles for climate-change focused start-ups or for well-known companies (Fortune 500, Unicorns). Our attendees already have a deep knowledge of data science and want to apply data science to solve real business challenges. Many are decision makers and are working in the industry for more than five years.
  4. What are the different session formats?
    • Keynote is a visionary lecture (~45 min.) on a major topic by well-known experts – there are very limited slots!
    • Case study (~30 min.) presents a concrete project and its business outcome – the company / client is presenting or has to be named!
    • Deep Dive (~60 min.) gives a deep understanding of a specific method, tool or topic – show not only slides, but also code, demo etc.!
    • Table Discussion is an interactive discussion round (~ 60 minutes) with one or multiple experts and the participants on a specific topic or important question.
    • Open Format is if you’d like to present in a different format than those listed above, either in session time or session content. Please let us know and we can discuss options.

  5. How many times could / should I submit an application: as many as you like – as long as all applications fulfil the requirements. You can even submit multiple applications for the same conference, e.g. different case studies or one case study and one deep dive.
  6. Can I add a co-speaker? Only for case study sessions and only if it makes sense from a content perspective, e.g. a joint presentation by a client and the implementation service provider.
  7. Can I submit for my colleague / boss? Submissions by e.g. the marketing or PR department will be rejected.
  8. When are deadlines for the call for speakers? It depends on the conference. The deadlines are listed on the application form. You can submit a proposal even after the deadline because sometimes a speaker must cancel his presentation. It is rare but it does happen and we might move your application in the back up pipeline and / or on the list for next year’s conference.
  9. Do I have to pay for the tickets? No, all speakers can attend the conference free of charge.
  10. Do I get free tickets for my colleagues? No, but we will provide you with a discount code for your colleagues.
  11. What if I have to cancel my presentation? Please let us know immediately and, if possible, offer a replacement speaker (the acceptance of the replacement speaker is decided by the program chair). We kindly ask you to check your calendar, your company regulations etc. before you submit your application. If you have to cancel because of an emergency we will still consider you for another event. If you cancel without good reason, you will be blacklisted for all our conferences.
  12. May I present our analytics, data etc. product? No, if you are product provider, we will reject your application. Please ask your clients whether they want to present a concrete project based on your product and let them do the application and presentation. Alternatively, there is a limited number of sponsored slots.
  13. May I present my company? Yes, but on one slide only and for max. 1 minute. If you don’t comply with this rule, we may blacklist you for future conferences. The participants will ask you about your company if your presentation is convincing. So, focusing on your content is the best promotion for your company.
  14. Will there be Q&A at the end of my presentation? Yes, and the Q&A is very important because our audience loves to ask questions. Please reserve about 5-10 minutes for Q&A if you are presenting a case study and 10-15 minutes if you are holding a keynote or a deep dive.
  15. What will be the procedure after my submission? Our program director will check the submission text and contact you if there are any questions or feedback. At the end, you will get a confirmation or rejection e-mail. If your session is confirmed, we’ll send you an email with a link to register online and more info on the conference. Please register immediately after receiving the link. Otherwise we will assume that you are not available anymore and we may replace your session.
  16. Do I have to send my presentation before the event? Yes, at least two weeks before the event you must send us your presentation. This allows us to check your content and give you feedback. If you don’t submit your presentation in time, we might replace your session.
  17. What’s the perfect presentation? Be open, honest and concrete: How did you solve the problem? What did not work? How much is the benefit in numbers? How did you validate the results? Start understandably for everyone and go increasingly into detail for the experts. Don’t just tell, show a demo, code, figures, examples etc. Sales pitches are not allowed. Convince our attendees with your project, your personality and your expertise.
  18. How do you judge my submission? By the topic and your text. Is the topic business relevant? Is it interesting? Is it recent? Your session title should be short and concise – it should grab the attention of the participants. Your session description should be like a good appetizer to motivate the visitor to attend your session. Specify: name the problem, describe the solution, and quantify the benefit. Give a promise: tell the attendees what they can learn from your session and how they can use this knowledge for their work. No buzzword bingo. No enumerations. No half sentences.

So here we go – it’s a lot to take in, but following these guidelines will help you to submit a successful application and hopefully be part of a high quality event that everybody, attendees, sponsors and speakers alike, will get great benefit from. We are looking forward to your application! If you have further questions, feel free to contact us. Thanks!

Hints & Tips for Writing Your Abstract

Imagine yourself an attendee sitting in the audience when you give your presentation. What would you like to hear (or not)? What would make a positive impression and make you feel your time well-spent? Consider those questions carefully when you write your abstract.

For starters two quick rules: Don’t be commercial, and don’t overuse buzzwords. Both will lessen your chances of being accepted.

Say enough, but don’t say too much. One sentence – or a list of bullets – is definitely not enough. More than 100 words is usually too much. Express your message fully but succinctly.

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